Within the blink of an eye, 9-1-1 Season 8 rolled out its first half, leaving us in that lowly hiatus period until the show returns in late winter next year.
Coming off a shortened 9-1-1 Season 7, the series launched with another three-part opening disaster, which, by all accounts, was a rousing success. Then, it settled back into some character-focused storylines to close out the season.
But while the opening hour had everyone buzzing, subsequent hours were more hit or miss, with some stories being speedrun through, beloved characters being sidelined at times, and disjointed storylines leaving us frustrated.
Even with some missteps, the season has had some great moments and continues to be one of the most riveting series on television.
We’re reviewing the first eight hours of this season and offering some superlatives as we evaluate the good and the not-so-good.
Don’t get me wrong, there was plenty to like about what the show has put together, but they’ve also left much to be desired.
It’s a good thing we still have ten episodes left this season!
Best Episode – “Final Approach”

9-1-1 Season 8 Episode 3 was the last act of the opening disaster arc, with Athena flying a plane and trying to land it successfully in Los Angeles with every single odd against her.
The plane was careening toward the city, and those tasked with helping her had pretty much given up on a successful landing and were looking at the best places she could land the plane to limit the amount of casualties on the ground.
It’s a good thing Athena is married to Bobby Nash because he wasn’t about to let his love down. Soon enough, he shut down an LA freeway to ensure Athena had enough room to land that plane and save many lives.
In many ways, it’s a quintessential 9-1-1 episode, meaning Bathena was at the forefront. While the action was front and center, some wonderfully understated character moments remained.
One second, you were on the edge of your seat, and the next, you were sniffling back tears because, over three short hours, everyone on that plane had become family.

There was also the breathtaking shot of a massive plane heading right for Bobby Nash, who was perched on the top of a firetruck, looking his wife directly in the eyes as the nose of the aircraft stopped right in front of his face.
Does it get any more romantic than that?
It was a beautiful showcase hour for Angela Bassett and Peter Krause, who are often given a lot to do during these big opening emergencies and deliver every single time.
This is 9-1-1 at its best — balls to the wall, captivating, and full of heart.
Which Episode Of 9-1-1 Season 8 Has Been Your Favorite So Far?
Best Episode – Honorable Mention – “Confessions”

While “Final Approach” was an episode heavy on the action, 9-1-1 Season 8 Episode 6 was all about the characters, with a few minor emergencies mixed in.
And if the big, flashy episodes are a staple of the series, then these kinds of hours are as well.
After being sidelined for much of the season, we finally got a peek into what was going on with Madney, with the pair discussing the possibility of expanding their family.
The couple was honest about their fears, and the hour ended with Maddie telling her husband she was pregnant, which prompted a mighty big “AWW” from me!
It was also the first hour that illuminated Eddie’s plight, particularly his guilt about everything that transpired with Christopher and his move to El Paso to live with his grandparents.

Eddie’s struggle to allow himself joy culminated in a picture-perfect dance around the house in his tighty whiteys a la Risky Business.
It allowed Ryan Guzman to channel Eddie’s inner chaos into a fun dance routine that should hopefully spur him on to the next part of his character’s journey.
This episode also had one of the best closing shots in the history of 9-1-1, with forever best friend Buck coming over to commiserate with him after Tommy Kinard unceremoniously dumped him.
Buck was reeling from something unexpected, and Eddie was sweaty and slightly confused but always welcoming to Buck.
The two didn’t share any words because none were needed. Just the sheer act of being together was enough.
9-1-1 keeps you on your toes; this episode was a great example.
Worst Episode – “Wannabes”

The problem with 9-1-1 Season 8 Episode 8 wasn’t so much the episode itself but the fact that it was our last impression for three long months.
Brad Torrence has been a steady presence throughout the season thus far, and he’s been okay. Admittedly, the Hotshots storyline worked much better as a vehicle for Bobby to have his own storyline outside of being at the 118.
Still, Brad’s presence was never truly an issue until it started to feel like he may have overstayed his welcome. Suddenly, the midseason finale became a showcase to wrap up Brad’s story, which was fine on the surface but left the episode lacking in many ways.
We had no Maddie whatsoever, with Hen and Chimney sidelined yet again. While Athena’s case was okay, it was a one-and-done case that would not move her forward and did nothing for the season at large.

And all of these things are okay. Sometimes, you have episodes that aren’t the most thrilling, but considering the magnitude of this one being the last episode of the year, it didn’t leave us with much to chew on outside of Eddie’s potential move.
That’s a big-ish cliffhanger in its own right, but we got little time with Eddie because of the amount of time spent on literally everything else.
I waited for something more than the Brad show, but it never came.
Which Episode Of 9-1-1 Season 8 Has Been Your Least Favorite So Far?
Missed Opportunity – Everything Eddie Diaz

While Eddie’s dance was undoubtedly a highlight of the first half, considering the place we left Eddie at the end of 9-1-1 Season 7 Episode 10, the series hasn’t explored much beyond Eddie missing his son and ultimately deciding he was going to move to El Paso in a decision with little build-up.
Eddie has had a very complicated relationship with his parents, his childhood, and his relationship with Shannon, all of which have contributed to the position he’s found himself in. Yet, we haven’t seen him really addressing any of it.
Eddie and Christopher needed to unpack what happened with doppelganger Kim. Hopefully, that will come in the second half, but thus far, that event has yet to be explored, and Eddie has not worked through much of anything.
It’s not as if we haven’t seen any of Eddie, as we’ve gotten glimpses here and there, like when he stepped in with the father of the hurt cheerleader and the aforementioned dance sequence and his journey to confession.

But it’s all been very stop-and-go, making it feel disconnected at best.
I’ll happily eat my words if the second half delivers on this storyline and gives it the time and space it deserves, but considering where things were left, Eddie’s story hasn’t had nearly enough focus to this point.
9-1-1 is an ensemble show, with understandably many moving parts every week, but Eddie’s story deserves a bigger spotlight.
Missed Opportunity – Honorable Mention – The Bathena House Search

Bathena needs a place to live, and after a promising start, we’ve seen little movement in their search for the perfect home.
I’ve advocated for a fun twist on the typical house search (House Hunters meets Bathena detectives), but if that’s not in the cards, we desperately need them to make some headway soon!
Bathena deserves a new home and a new start in something with both of their fingerprints.
Most Heartbreaking Moment – Denny Gets Hurt

The Wilson family needs a damn break.
And look, you could say that for a lot of people on 9-1-1 because drama IS the name of the game after all, but coming off an intense court battle during 9-1-1 Season 8 Episode 4 to return Mara to her home, no one was prepared for Denny’s life to be in danger during a night of trick-or-treating.
The hour was a somber one for Henren in general, with the couple not entirely on the same page about Hen working on the Halloween holiday. And while Hen ultimately worked on the holiday, it was the 118 that was on the scene to help Denny, who was hit by a car and pinned to a house.
It was touch and go for a while as Denny fought for his life, with both of his parents by his side, and ultimately, his life was saved by the efforts of his parents and the 118 family.
It was distressing to watch young Denny fight for his life. Although there was a happy ending, it was still an unfortunate moment for a family that has been through so much.
Here’s hoping they let the Wilsons have some more lighthearted moments to close out this season.
Most The Frustrating Storyline – Gerrard’s Turn As A Comedian

I think I can confidently say that no one was particularly interested in having Captain Vincent Gerrard back at the 118. Still, once he made his return, it became about how long the 118 would have to deal with the bigoted captain.
Well, the answer to that would be not too long, but in returning to the 118, a curious decision was made to turn Gerrard into a curmudgeonly older man who got starstruck around a TV star and just needed a little nudge from a good guy Bobby to be a little nicer and palatable at work.
The show basically asked us to forget the Gerrard we previously met (as if that was possible) and presented this new version of Gerrard, who fumbled around and got the silly background music when he did something “funny.”
It was a very odd choice, though, it became apparent early in the season there was a larger plan for Gerrard, and to fit that plan, Gerrard needed to be presented in a certain way.
But Gerrard was not a good person. He was deplorable to Hen and Chimney, and it was disappointing to see that this was not only never addressed but also turned him into a cranky man who was simply misunderstood.
Character Who Needs A Hug (And Forward Progress) – Eddie Diaz

To be fair here, everyone could use a hug.
But mostly, everyone has gotten a hug this season! Bobby and Brad got to hug it out. The Wilsons had a lovely reunion once Mara came home.
Plus, Buck, Maddie, and Chimney gave us a lovely hug after he congratulated them on their pregnancy!
It felt like everyone had been getting a hug except for Eddie.
He’s desperately needed a firm, two-handed hug for a minute now. One that he can sink into, take a deep breath, and relax into for a minute.
We’re all hoping he’ll get that hug when he and his son finally reunite, whether in Texas or California, but he could also use a lovely embrace and show of affection in the interim.
Missing In Action – Maddie Han

This season has felt very devoid of Maddie.
Yes, she has been there answering calls, and she and Chimney stepped in to help with Mara, but that was a story with the Wilson family at the forefront.
“Confessions” had an excellent plot about expanding their family, and it was a nice look into both Chimney and Maddie’s mindsets about having another child. Still, outside of that, there haven’t been any stories with Maddie out front.
Maddie is the link at the call center, which hasn’t lessened, but when we’ve seen her outside of it this season, it’s primarily felt in service to others. We need Maddie back in the driver’s seat of her story (and Chimney, too, for that matter!)
Now, that looks poised to change with the sneak peek for the series return in March 2025 showing Maddie potentially in danger, so they’ll be rectifying the issues (though why does she have to be in pain?), but that doesn’t negate her missing presence throughout the first eight hours.
Overall Thoughts

9-1-1 Season 8 has had a lot of bright spots, but there’s always room for more.
The opening emergency was its peak, but there have been solid installments sprinkled throughout and the start of some good stories as well.
Bathena’s (brief) house-hunting journey was fun, and the reunification of the Wilson family was number one on many people’s lists to resolve as quickly as possible.
Madney’s pregnancy journey has only just begun, as has Eddie’s journey to work on himself and, ultimately, his relationship with his son.
Buck got cursed, and then his relationship came to an end. People have a lot of feelings about this, but one thing’s for sure: it should set him up to continue his journey, which is only a good thing.

Even if the midseason finale fell a little flat, it’s nice to know that some stories have been wrapped up, meaning there’s plenty of time to dive into the personal stories of the mains we’ve come to adore.
These first eight get a solid B. And a very optimistic attitude about what’s come.
Now it’s your turn to let me know in the comments what you’ve thought about the first half of 9-1-1 Season 8!
9-1-1 Season 8 returns to ABC on March 6, 2025.
Watch 9-1-1 Online
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Source: TV Fanatic