Apple removes independent media app from Russian App Store

Apple has removed the Current Time app from the Russian version of its App Store, telling its developer that local authorities say it contains “undesirable” content.

The App Store is a powerful digital ecosystem.
The App Store is a powerful digital ecosystem.

Current Time is an independent Russian-language media service and website run by Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty (RFE/RL). It was removed at the insistence of Roskomnadzor, the Russian media regulatory agency. According to RFE/RL, Apple informed the developer that the agency says the app contained illegal content, as well as materials from an “undesirable” organization.

RFE/RL runs independently, and is funded by a grant from the US Agency for Global Media. The US agency sets up broadcasting via radio and television aimed at countries that restrict independent media reporting, including some 23 countries.

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