Messy, Hilarious, and Heartbreaking: Shrinking Season 2 Episode 3 Proves It’s Okay to Screw Up

Shrinking isn’t afraid to get messy, and Shrinking Season 2 Episode 3 delivers an emotional rollercoaster that will have you laughing one minute and wiping away tears the next.

“Psychological Something-ism” is all about making mistakes — big ones, small ones, and the kind that make you want to crawl into a hole.

But in true Shrinking fashion, it reminds us that life’s screw-ups are what make relationships stronger, even if they get a little tangled along the way.

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From Alice’s reckless outburst to Liz’s well-meaning disaster and Jimmy’s heartfelt victory, this episode was packed with moments that made you think, “Oh no, they did NOT just do that.”

But hey, that’s what keeps us coming back for more!

Alice’s Grief Takes Over, Leading to a Major Misstep

We knew Alice was teetering on the edge, but wow, did she jump headfirst off the emotional cliff this time?

After Paul specifically told her NOT to confront the drunk driver who killed her mom, what does she do? She tracks him down at his workplace and causes a scene that left everyone, including herself, shaken.

Alice is grieving, she’s angry, and she’s looking for someone to blame — and honestly, who can blame her?

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By the end of the episode, though, Alice turns to a familiar face for comfort: Connor. Yeah, the same Connor she had introduced to her best friend Summer because she didn’t like him.

Now, it looks like she’s about to cross a line that will wreck her friendship with Summer.

Mistakes? This one was a big one, but it’s not like she’s making them constantly. Still, we’re rooting for her because she’s a good kid — just a bit misguided right now.

Liz Means Well, But Oh Boy, Does She Miss the Mark

If Liz is the queen of anything, it’s unintentionally making everything worse.

She thought she was doing Sean a favor by selling her half of their food truck partnership to his estranged father, thinking it would be a “grand gesture.”

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But in typical Liz fashion, she forgot to ask Sean first.

So now, Sean is stuck in a business arrangement with his dad, whom he wants nothing to do with business-wise. And Liz? Well, she’s left wondering why her good intentions blew up in her face –again.

The worst part is that it’s hard to tell if Liz was trying to do something nice for Sean or if she was just looking for a quick win to make herself feel better.

Either way, the damage is done, and now Sean’s trust in her has taken a serious hit. It’s a classic Liz move, and we all know she’ll find some way to charm her way back — eventually.

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Brian Saves the Day

Thank goodness for Brian. Even though he was mad at Jimmy for keeping the whole Gaby situation a secret, Brian swooped in like a hero to help Jimmy with one of his toughest clients: Grace.

Grace had gone back to her abusive boyfriend (or spouse?) Donny — again — but with some help from Brian, the two manage to convince her that she deserves better.

When Brian read those letters from Grace’s friends, reminding her of the strong, amazing person she is, hit every emotional note. I was literally crying throughout all of it.

It’s a big win for Jimmy, who really needed a victory after all the chaos he’s been dealing with — especially with Alice and Gaby.

And how sweet was it that Jimmy made the effort to learn about Brian’s husband? It was both heartwarming and hilarious, especially since Brian didn’t even seem to know what Charlie actually does for a living!

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Their friendship is the backbone of the show, and this episode proves that even when they’re at odds, Brian and Jimmy have each other’s backs.

I hated seeing them fight, so it was a relief when they kissed and made up. They need each other — Jimmy especially — so it’s good to see Brian is always there for him.

Derek: The Unsung Hero

Can we take a moment to appreciate Derek? He might not be front and center often, but every time he’s on screen, he quietly steals the show.

His dry humor and easygoing nature are the perfect antidote to Liz’s high-strung energy. Honestly, how has this guy survived being married to her for so long?

Derek not only provided some much-needed comic relief but also showed us the softer side of his marriage, sharing some of his marriage secrets (and he made a good point to Paul, too).

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His laid-back approach to life somehow balances out Liz’s chaos, and it’s becoming clearer that Derek might just be the secret weapon this show needs.

Watch out for him — he’s bound to become a fan favorite. He’s definitely climbing up my list!

Paul and Julie: Love and Professional Boundaries

Paul and Julie aren’t just navigating a complicated dynamic anymore — they’re full-on dating (not that they weren’t before, but it’s different now!)

After Paul finally told Julie he loved her (and she said it back!), he realized he couldn’t keep mixing their personal and professional lives.

That’s why he decided to find a new neurologist, allowing them to keep their relationship and his treatment separate.

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This move feels like a major step forward for Paul, a guy who’s spent so much time keeping people at arm’s length.

Seeing him finally let someone in and take that leap with Julie shows a side of him we haven’t seen before.

It’s a moment that feels earned, and Paul allowing himself to embrace love without fear of ruining it makes this whole storyline even more satisfying.

I’m as excited about it as Gaby! Seriously!

Everyone Screws Up, But That’s the Point

If there’s one thing Shrinking really gets right, it’s showing us that nobody’s perfect — not even close.

Alice is making rash decisions, Liz is overstepping (as usual), and Jimmy is barely keeping his head above water despite all the progress he’s made.

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But for all their flaws, these characters are growing, figuring out how to navigate the messiness of life, and learning from their screw-ups along the way.

At the end of the day, it’s not the mistakes that define them — it’s how they choose to fix things.

Whether it’s repairing a friendship, getting out of a toxic relationship, or realizing you need to really hear the people you care about, Shrinking reminds us that messing up is just part of the journey.

And honestly? That’s what makes this show so damn good.

Who’s Winning the “Best at Screwing Up” Award On Shrinking Season 2 Episode 3?

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The post Messy, Hilarious, and Heartbreaking: Shrinking Season 2 Episode 3 Proves It’s Okay to Screw Up appeared first on TV Fanatic.

Source: TV Fanatic