Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4 Review: The Blackout Bride

Brilliant Minds keeps improving weekly by exploring each doctor’s personality, relationships, and unique cases.

In Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4, Dr. Wolf, Dr. Pierce, Dana, and Van help an amnesiac bride remember her whereabouts and find her missing groom.

Ericka and Jacob spent time with John Doe, hoping that he could stay and avoid long-term care. It surprised everyone what finally triggered a reaction.

(Pief Weyman/NBC))

Dr. Wolf Puts Himself In a Patient’s Shoes

Dr. Wolf has often tried to imagine himself in his patients’ shoes, but he has never done this literally.

It seemed like he almost wanted to try and experience what Van does, to experience what a patient feels.

No one expected the drugs to be laced with PCP, though, when Dr. Wolf and Dana went to retrace the bride’s footsteps with Dr. Wolf high on drugs.

Dr. Pierce was also more involved in this case than in previous ones because it wasn’t a simple neurological condition, and she and Van needed to use hypnosis to help Bridget remember details.

Hypnosis-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
(Rafy/ NBC)

The parallels of Dr. Price, Bridget, and Dr. Wolf, Dana, were done beautifully and showed the breakthrough so well.

I love that we get to know one of the interns better in each episode.

This was Dana’s (Aury Krebs) week to shine as she accompanied Dr. Wolf to an icy hotel room and a nightclub.

She saw a different side of him that no one else had, a darker side, but they also thought they saved the day.

Defending Dana-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
(Pief Weyman/NBC)

Dealing with the Aftermath of an Accident or a Crime

Bridget’s case walked a grey line. The cops had to solve the crime, but Dr. Wolf and Dr. Price strived to protect her and learn why she had amnesia.

Could Bridget’s cerebral edema be a legitimate defense for shooting Charlie? She wasn’t in her right mind because of her brain swelling.

While Charlie was shocked Bridget stabbed him, he technically solved the case. He loved his wife so much and filled in the blanks about her diet.

Dr. Wolf and Dand figured out the rest. I had never heard of maple syrup urine syndrome, but planning a wedding and then binging on sweets will stress the body.

Bridget & Charlie-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
( Pief Weyman/NBC)

That was too much for Bridget’s body and caused her brain to swell.

The laced drugs put her over the edge. They should go after who laced their drugs and have her plead insanity.

Bridget will suffer more guilt than the courts will ever deliver. She never meant to stab Charlie, and now she has to process how to move on and not let one moment define her life.

So does Dana, who was sure they had reunited the happy couple. She is usually a carefree intern, and she has now experienced grief on the job.

Dana-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4

Fighting for John Doe

Watching John Doe suffer alone was heartbreaking. He had no there, and the hospital wanted to transfer him to a long-term facility unless he could find a reason to keep him that night.

Ericka was the only one who understood those repercussions. She’s become a mini Dr. Wolf.

Ericka: Do you know what long-term care for a patient like this means? They’re just going to keep going from one facility to the next until they’re forgotten?

It seemed like Ericka worked hard to become a doctor, so she strived to please Dr. Wolf. However, she’s correct in that he tries to understand his patients, but they can’t understand John Doe.

Her persistence pushed Jacob to care for John Doe lovingly, and then the two took John Doe outside. Shockingly, it seemed like his muscles twitched as Jacob flirted with Ericka.

Helping John Doe-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
(Rafy/ NBC)

He probably missed having a human connection, so the shave, the sunshine, and the conversation all impacted that.

Is Ericka in a Love Triangle?

Initially, I suspected that Ericka (Ashleigh LaThrop) and Van (Alex MacNicoll) might become a couple since they usually defended each other and had similar work ethics. Now, we have another love triangle.

Ericka and Jacob (Spence Moore II) weren’t even on my radar, but their type of banter often leads to couples. Plus, Ericka looked so hurt when she caught him kissing Nurse Portia.

That wasn’t only about him skipping out on responsibility and leaving her with the work, though Ericka does step up more than anyone else.

They finally understood and appreciated each other’s attributes. Erica learned how to have more fun, and Jacob learned to compliment Ericka, so she knew she was appreciated.

Ericka & Jacob-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
(Rafy/ NBC)

Jacob: I get why you try so hard because you care so hard. But you’re a good doctor. You know that, right? You don’t have to prove that to anyone.

It looked like he almost would kiss her there in that fraught moment, and hopefully, they’ll explore more between them. She’s helped to soften Jacob’s character.

How Children Deal With Divorce

Carol’s daughter, Maya, acted out and broke her curfew because she was angry that her parents refused to tell her the truth about their separation.

Teens realize more than their parents think they do, and she knew they had been avoiding each other. Even though she had her own life, Maya reacted like most teens, begging her mom not to break up their family.

A Teenager's Pain-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
(Rafy/ NBC)

Teenage girls often react impulsively, but learning your family is splitting up is a massive shocker. My parents split up when I was Maya’s age, so I understood her need to bargain with her parents.

Naturally, Carol wanted Oliver to reassure her that things would get better, but from the glimpses we’ve seen of his childhood, things only got worse.

He hated that his mom gave up on his dad, but he’s started to remember when his dad’s condition worsened.

What did young Oliver do that he can’t forgive himself for? Is it the same thing in his past that his mom hinted at?

Surviving the Day-Brilliant Minds Season 1 Episode 4
(Rafy/ NBC)

Over to you, Brilliant Minds Fanatics. What was your favorite part of “The Blackout Bride?” Did you agree with Dr. Wolf’s decision to take drugs to understand Bridget?

Do you like Ericka with Van or Jacob better?

We would love to hear your thoughts, so please share them with us below.

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Source: TV Fanatic