I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; it’s amazing how much story Fire Country can fit into a few episodes. This batch seemed to take the cake and then put candles on it for Bode’s 30th birthday.
All in all, these last few episodes were among some of the most intense and dramatic. It also has to be said that the writers don’t miss an opportunity for catastrophe.
There are a lot of benefits to being able to watch back-to-back episodes of Fire Country, but there is one funny downside. After so many episodes, I can’t help but wonder, “Is Edgewater cursed?”
Why would anyone live in this fire-prone, disaster-ridden town where no children’s fair is safe? A kid was literally thrown from a freaking ride and lived.
All joking aside, somehow, Fire Country manages to walk the tightrope of non-stop catastrophes with down-to-earth, relatable drama. Not to mention, it teaches a lesson about not getting attached to a character.
The Fire Country Writers Have A Sick Sense Of Storytelling, But It Sadly Works In The Grand Scheme Of Things

Right away, I have to say I have mixed feelings about how the writers treated Rebecca’s story. First, she was used as a plot tool to further Freddy’s story and then again to create some sexy scenes for Bode.
Then, when the character was finally brought back, it was to a Bode who just about wanted nothing to do with her. So, how does she react? Like any person who was pushed aside without a second thought.
After what was the most Final Destination of episodes at a fair where anything that could go wrong absolutely did, Rebecca and Max Theriot’s (SEAL Team) Bode managed to carve out a real friendship.
So, obviously, the only course of action was to kill her off in the episode right after. These writers are trying to drive me crazy, and it is working.
Fire Country Is As Rough On The Audience As It Is On Its Characters

The hands behind Fire Country weren’t even trying to be subtle with Fire Country Season 1 Episode 15. The episode started with Bode and Gabs talking about a female character who had died.
Que the setup where Eve ends up trapped under a tree, which I can’t even get into because how exactly did that happen?
And on top of that, it was the episode where Sharon was supposed to get her brand-new kidney.
In the end, Rebecca was dead, Eve was fine, Sharon didn’t get a Kidney, Jake was no longer eligible to donate to her, and Manny was under suspicion of arson. That’s a lot, even for Fire Country.
Fire Country Is A Roller Coaster Worth Getting On Over And Over Again

Then there are all these side characters coming in and out of the series, with Cara now fully dating Jake and this new Collin character, who I am highly suspicious of.
He just seems to have gotten too comfortable too fast. Do you know what I mean?
Backtracking to Jordan Calloway’s (Black Lightning) Jake and Cara for a minute, that was too damn quick for Jake to be ready to move on, and I’m sorry, but in what world would Gabs be encouraging Jake to get back out there?
She went from saying that she had feelings for Bode that she didn’t want because she was in love with Jake and wanted to be with him. Now, she sneaks kisses with Bode and gives Jake dating advice.
Lord, Fire Country is like a roller coaster, but it’s just one big loop after another, and no one stops screaming.
Side note, how did none of those people trapped on the spinning ride not immediately puke after it was finally stopped? Even I was nauseous.

I can’t even imagine what else Fire Country Season 1 has in store because everything so far has pointed to a boiling point where something truly awful is going to happen.
However, as long as Sharon isn’t going anywhere any time soon, I’m a happy camper. And I am loving Eve’s arc so far. Give the woman all the career goals because she is THE firewoman.
Is Uncle Luke really gone, or will he make an epic comeback?
Does Sharon ever get her kidney, or will this be an ongoing thing?
Drop a comment below to let me know what you think, and join me again as I catch up to Fire Country Season 3!
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Source: TV Fanatic