HomeMusicDid SLIPKNOT Change Their Logo?Did SLIPKNOT Change Their Logo? October 30, 2024October 30, 2024WBN I’m guessing no.Source: Metal Injection
SALIVA Announces New Record, Revelation: RetoldA spin on their 2023 record Revelation.Source: Metal Injection
CHANEY CRABB Crushed An ENTHEOS Track, Gave An Inspirational Speech On KAI CENAT’s TwitchCenat is extremely popular, so this is huge.Source: Metal Injection
JUDAS PRIEST’s SCOTT TRAVIS On The “Painkiller” Drum Intro Becoming Iconic: “It’s Certainly Nothing I Really Ever Expected”“I used to think to myself, ‘Man, it would be really cool to have a signature intro.’”Source: Metal Injection