The award for dumbest murderer on Elsbeth goes to Lawrence “Larry” Grey. At least Matthew Broderick is somehow still charming, even as a killer.
Also, is the whole college admissions scam still a thing? And who in their right mind would start when the student is a toddler?
After so many big-name convictions, I would think people wouldn’t still be playing with fire. Then again, I’ve never been rich and powerful.
As far as Elsbeth episodes, this one hit all the right marks with a bit of drama, a fistful of funny, and a pinch of intrigue right there at the end.
For a show about murder, it sure does manage to deliver a lot of good news and keep things surprisingly upbeat.
Granted, the killers of Elsbeth are not exactly genius masterminds. Still, Larry takes the cake with more rookie mistakes than anyone with a streaming service should ever make.
What’s the use of having a Netflix or Max subscription if not to spiral into a murder doc hole until your family starts worrying about you? Just me?
As far as Clues Go, The NYPD Could Have Figured This Case Out Without Elsbeth, But It Wouldn’t Have Been as Fun
Honestly, this case took way too long for the cops, and especially Elsbeth, to figure out. I mean, catnip on the window sill in the fencing room? In what world did that make sense to Larry?

Not to mention his obvious connection with the victim and the pile of rejected applicants.
Did he really think the cops wouldn’t make the connection or that the rich folks who hired him wouldn’t snitch to save their own behinds?
Finally, and this one had me throw my hands in the air, he left the score up from the match.
I just can’t. Plus, it ruined that perfect finishing line: “I’m sorry, but your application for help has been denied.”
Oh, well. Regardless of how truly dimwitted Lawrence was, Matthew Broderick (Daybreak) was astounding and genuinely sold his character’s incompetence.
Namely when Kaya and Elsbeth were asking him questions.

Everyone knows that when the cops come a calling, you act like you don’t know anything, because, as an “innocent” person, you shouldn’t.
Not that I would, uh, know anything about that. Anyway, wasn’t it fun to see Teddy again?
Mother-Son Relationships Can Be Hard Enough to Navigate, Let Alone When Your Mom Is a Brilliant Lawyer And a Genius Investigator
If you kept up with the freshman season reviews, you know that I gave Teddy a hard time for never calling or visiting his mom throughout Elsbeth Season 1.
Sure, he’s just a character, but anyone would be lucky to have a loving and caring mom like Elsbeth. So, if you’re anything like this TV Fanatic, you instantly loved Roy.
They say the sign of a good partner is that they make you want to be the best version of yourself.

Teddy taking the adult approach to his and Elsbeth’s argument at the boyfriend’s behest was a great way to organically depict Teddy and Roy’s relationship in record time.
That said, I completely understand why Teddy was hesitant about introducing Roy to his mom.
Elsbeth had that boy in the interrogation room for eighty-two minutes. Once a lawyer, always a lawyer.
At least Elsbeth is self-aware enough to know she can be a lot at times — well, all the time. She wouldn’t be Elsbeth if she could just turn it on and off.
This series needs all the comedy it can muster to balance out the grim nature of a police procedural. That’s why we need detectives like Donnelly.
Cats, Cameron, And Cashmere Abound in One of Elsbeth’s Campiest Episodes

By now, it should be clear that Molly Price’s (The Path) Detective Donnelly is by far the funniest and most likable investigator at the precinct — at least, to me.
She gets the best one-liners that stay with audiences long after she’s left the room. What other character could say, “My kids are dummies,” with that perfect amount of dry humor and sincerity?
Although, we may be seeing a lot less of her, and for that matter, the other detectives as well.
Sure, it’s a little sad, but we’ll finally get to see Kaya (Carra Patterson) stretch her investigative skills as a full-fledged detective of the NYPD. She can finally hang that uniform up.
Now, if only she could get a clue that everyone already knows she and Cameron can’t help making googly eyes at each other.
They can’t even stand apart when they’re in the same room together.

The campiness in “Foiled Again” was turned up to the max, and they all had to do with cats. Also, despite Elsbeth’s sentiments, felines are far more friendly than they let on.
Case in point, I thought getting a cat was an excellent option for a self-sufficient pet.
Instead, my cat companion likes to present himself to me every chance he gets for constant cuddling, and he definitely does not appreciate being ignored for a laptop.
Still, as much as I love my little “Murder Mittens,” there is no way you would ever catch me spending eighty dollars on a cashmere mouse. Not when an empty cardboard box can bring out the “zoomies.”
Speaking of cats, I never want to hear Captain Wagner (Wendell Pierce) say “Pussy cat” again. Did anyone else take pause at that?
Either way, he gets a pass since he staunchly and proudly has Elsbeth’s back. With how this episode ended, she’s going to need it.

Don’t Let the Polka Dots Fool You. A Lioness is Hiding Under All of Elsbeth’s Pink
We knew it was only a matter of time before Michael Emerson made his return to Elsbeth. As always, he did it with just the right amount of sinister intrigue.
And just after Miss Tascioni expressed her joy in no longer having to get into suspicious black SUVs.
It was a little on the nose, but it was also great to see the show return to form with logical, albeit comical, portrayals.
“Tiny Towns” was too farfetched for many viewers.
For example, the idea that Scotland and New York City are always in the same time zone was too far-fetched.

Still, it would have been nice if Angus had stuck around a little longer. Thankfully, Elsbeth and even its sister shows, The Good Wife and The Good Fight, are no strangers to repeat guest appearances — or even references.
Did anyone catch that nod to Elsbeth Season 2 Episode 5, “Flip the Bird,” when Elsbeth mentioned that she wouldn’t be making duck for Kaya’s celebratory dinner?
At least that killer had the good sense to knock herself in the head with a meat tenderizer. Lawrence didn’t even check if “Quad cat” was hypoallergenic. Come on, Larry.
Oh, well. Ironically, as soft as he is, he’ll likely end up as someone’s pet while he’s in the clink.
Backtracking to Judge Milton, the gloves are definitely off, and Elsbeth (Carrie Preston) is going to handle him the same way she did with Van Ness.

It takes a confident and self-assured woman to pull off polka dots as often and fiercely as Miss Tascioni.
Do you think Elsbeth should be worried about what Judge Milton does next?
Would you want to see Elsbeth bring in resources from The Good Wife or The Good Fight?
Drop a comment below to let me know what you think, and join me again when I review another episode of Elsbeth!
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Source: TV Fanatic