Fanatics have been geeking out about Jared Padalecki’s addition to the Fire Country family since the news broke (when).
We’ve finally got pictures and a storyline to fill in the blanks for what we know about Jared’s upcoming three-episode appearance as Camden Casey, a SoCal firefighter.
This is going to be good!
Jared Padalecki is no stranger to playing the hero, whether fighting against evil in Supernatural or against injustice and bad guys in Walker.
Now, he’s on the journey of fighting fires as a Southern California surfer boy with a rebellious streak. The latest promo news released by Tia Napolitano warns fans that not everyone is going to like Camden Casey.
Camden will rub everyone the wrong way, including Bode, as he does his own thing.
It’ll be interesting to see how his maverick casualness interacts with Jake and the Leone golden pair’s more strict, by-the-book behaviors.
He’s going to be a wild card in the small town of Edgewater. While everyone else is worried about keeping Bode on a short leash, Camden wants to help Bode explore his talents, even if it means Bode going off-script from CFD protocols.
If we thought Bode was reckless within the constraints of prison, he could become dangerous now that he’s out and has a twin flame to spread his brazenness.
Especially now that Gabriela has pumped the brakes on their relationship.
Camden’s multi-arc appearance will set up the potential third series in the Fire County universe, which will star Casey as the main character.
While currently being called Fire Country: Surf Side, the name has not been officially confirmed. Sheriff Country, the second Fire Country spinoff starring Morena Baccarin, is set to air in 2025.
Fire Country is the latest series to experience the awkward growth of trying to support a franchise.
The two spinoffs were planned before Fire Country could redeem itself after its sophomore season’s fiasco.
Given that the show is using several episodes to introduce viewers to Padalecki’s new character, we have to expect some charismatic bromancing between Jared and Max, especially given their real-life friendship.
The introduction for Sheriff Country’s main character lasted only one episode, and it left a lot to be desired.
At this point, it’s hard to judge what Sheriff Country will be about and whether it would be worth our time watching.
Hopefully, three episodes will be enough to gear us up for a full season of Camden Casey and his new southern California (we’re speculating) firefighting.
Will there be a version of Three Rock in the spinoff? Inquiring minds want to know.
What do you think of Jared Padalecki joining Fire Country and getting his own Fire Country spinoff series? Do you believe Padalecki will play a convincing SoCal surfer dude with a penchant for risky firefighting?
Do you think Bode will get better or worse with the influence of someone who isn’t trying to restrain his behaviors? Do we want a free Bode or a Bode with a leash?
The post First Photos of Jared Padalecki on Fire Country Have Surfaced! appeared first on TV Fanatic.
Source: TV Fanatic
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