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FROM Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Scar Tissue

Even a slow hour of FROM can be a solid affair.

And FROM Season 3 Episode 6 was definitely on the slower side.

With the town still reeling a bit from Dale’s death and the last few days, you’d think it would be a day of self-reflecting and decompression, but those days rarely seem to exist in a town like that.

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

The Matthews family entered the town on the brink of implosion, but their time within the town seemed to bond their family in a way they could have never imagined because everything suddenly became bigger than them.

Their grief, sadness, and pain were all forced to take a backseat as their survival instincts kicked in, and they had to figure out a way to survive the nightmare together as a single unit.

There’s never as much time for pettiness when you’re scared and just trying to make it through the day.

But with time and various situations pulling at all four of them, they’ve changed yet again, with many of those old wounds seeping through again.

Tabitha’s journey to Henry and then back again has made her second-guess herself, and you can’t exactly blame her.

Whether you agree with her choices while she was “out,” you should admit that she was dealt a tough hand, and with limited options presented to her, she did the best she could.

Hindsight will always be 20/20, and it’s so easy to critique from the outside looking in or even for Tabitha to feel disappointed in herself.

Ethan and Tabitha check in during FROM Season 3 Episode 6.Ethan and Tabitha check in during FROM Season 3 Episode 6.
(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

She feels she was in a position to do something, and she didn’t. So now she’s burdened with what-ifs and guilt about what could have been if she had made a series of different decisions.

Thinking that way is futile and only causes you more pain, but it’s human. Those kinds of emotions would plague anyone in her position.

I am Jim’s biggest critic because I find him insufferable 90% of the time, but he only tried to help her in this situation. It’s not helpful to dogpile on someone when they’re doing enough of that on their own.

But sometimes people don’t want you to tell them they didn’t mess up. They want you to be realistic with them.

Tabitha wanted his honesty, but she may also have wanted to fight a little bit. Their fight spiraled into something nasty because while they bonded and re-found some of what they’d lost in their marriage before entering the town, they didn’t actually work on any of their issues.

The issues just masked the larger problem.

Most likely, Jim will return from his forage, and they’ll apologize, but this will be a constant cycle for the Matthews family, and they don’t really have the time, space, or strength to figure everything out right now.

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

They should also focus all their strength on Julie and Ethan, who both have their own struggles.

They’ve dealt with their parents’ problems outside the town, and inside the town, they don’t need to deal with the constant threat of pain, emotional turmoil, and death on top of hearing their parents’ late-night screaming matches.

Ethan may seem like he has it together more than Julie, but he has his own issues to contend with. He’s taking Tian-Chen’s death hard, and I’m not sure anyone is truly picking up on that.

And for Julie, well, it’s becoming increasingly clear that whatever she, Randall, and Marielle experienced has done quite the number on them, though they’re all dealing with it differently.

Marielle ignores it, Julie tries to block everything out, and Randall acknowledges it but doesn’t know what to do next.

The three of them should consider sitting down and talking things out. I know that’s not a thing people in that town like to do, but it may be worth it to give a voice to your emotions with the only other people in your life who can understand what you experienced.

There’s something to be said for having that kind of connection with others.

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

Randall’s not my favorite, not by any stretch, but hearing his vulnerability in the conversation with Marielle was one of the first times I felt like Randall was more than a loud-mouth contrarian.

Hearing him say out loud that he was basically petrified of being on that bus alone every night was sad—okay! It just was. Marielle’s extending that kindness to him was a really sweet moment between two very broken and scared individuals.

Randall has a lot going on, and that restless sleep he was in while recovering has almost drained him. I fully expected him to wake up and want to go after Boyd immediately.

And while that conversation/confrontation is coming, it seems like he’s just tired right now. He couldn’t pretend like Marielle and certainly didn’t want to spend another night alone with his thoughts and suffering when there was another option.

Kristi’s reaction to Randall joining them at the clinic should be interesting. However, she and Marielle will have to handle Fatima’s non-pregnancy diagnoses before they deal with a new roommate.

People have been theorizing about Fatima and her demon baby all season, but how many of you guessed that Fatima was never actually pregnant at all? And if there’s no baby inside her, then what does that mean?

Nothing in that place makes sense, right? So, no theory is too outlandish when you think about it. But if we’re to believe there is no baby and she’s not pregnant, then we have to consider something else is happening to her body.

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

If the baby isn’t craving the sustenance of blood and spoiled food, the next logical conclusion would be that she is. Her body suddenly needs that to survive.

And if you get to that conclusion, then the next logical question would be why? Why Fatima? What happened to make her suddenly shift in such a way?

I don’t think anyone can have the answers to those questions right now, but as much as it pains me to say it, if there’s no demon baby, then maybe, simply put, Tabitha is the demon.

We have yet to find out why those monsters are there or how they became that way. It’s not like this is The Walking Dead, and those who are killed by monsters reanimate as them.

For all we know, these monsters just exist, and there’s no explanation. But in the spirit of change, what if Smiley’s death in FROM Season 2 Episode 6 caused some kind of chain reaction?

That was the first time we’ve seen a monster be killed, right? And maybe it disturbed the balance in that place, so now the town is slowly turning one of them into a monster to replace it.

This theory may be out there, and there may be many facts to refute it, but it’s not the most outlandish theory (and if it is, let me live in my delusions, people!).

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

Whether that will end up being the case or not, Fatima’s body is changing. And it’s not changing for the better. Now that they know there’s no baby, what choice do they really have but to sit around and see what happens next?

No medical textbook can tell them what to do next or how to cure anything.

This may be one of the scariest storylines of all the insanely terrifying things we’ve seen on this show.

Also scary? Victor and Henry traveling in those tunnels.

Henry seems like a kind soul, but I wanted to tell him to shut up so many times! Victor told his father to be quiet numerous times, and he just kept saying things!

But outside of that, it was sweet to see Henry want to go with Victor, even if he had no idea what he was getting into.

It will be interesting to see how their relationship develops here because there is so much love that has never stopped. But there has been so much time apart, and they’re different people.

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

Plus, you add in the surreal realities of their current environment, which creates a delicate and complicated dynamic they’ll have to work through.

You saw a bit of the complicated when Victor started talking about the importance of Jasper and his story, but to Henry, all he saw was a ventriloquist dummy.

Victor believes Jasper is the key to something, but Henry doesn’t fully understand, though he surely wants to support his son.

When I chatted with Scott McCord about the father/son dynamic, he gave such great insight into what we may see, and we got a good taste of the new iteration of their relationship here.

I’d be remiss not to mention the cliffhanger, which wasn’t the jaw-dropper we’re used to but should lead to many new theories.

Tabitha’s arrival in Camden, Maine, and meeting Henry were no coincidence. When she discovered all the things she did about Miranda, she realized that Miranda had been seeing and connecting with the town long before she got there.

Perhaps learning about Miranda also helped to unlock some of Tabitha’s memories. It is hard to believe that seeing the drawing at the bar suddenly made Tabith remember.

(Chris Reardon/MGM+)

I’m guessing that trip to Maine, seeing everything Miranda drew and making connections, helped open Tabitha’s mind like Victor’s has been opening by telling stories.

So, Tabitha now remembers a recurring nightmare she had as a child about the area by the lake. WHAT?!

There is a more significant connection between Tabitha and Victor’s family. I’m becoming increasingly convinced because they are just too interconnected.

But what is that connection? Hell, if I know just yet.

Loose Ends

  • Someone has needed to hug Donna all season, and I’m glad Tabitha seized the moment. She’s carrying so much, and much like Boyd, she rarely gets the time or space to feel it all. Sometimes, a little bit of comfort helps lessen that weight.
  • Poor Kenny’s putting on a brave face, but I’m glad he did something for himself and chose to head to Colony House. I don’t know how he fits in there, but it’s in his best interest right now to get a change of scenery.
(Chris Reardon/MGM+)
  • Tom, the dead bartender, appears to tell Jade to sober up and start thinking like the man he was before his life was changed forever. He’s not wrong.
  • Elgin continues to be the purest soul in there. Taking the pictures was an admirable attempt to bring a bit of normalcy to the chaos. But the kimono woman does not want to let him go! How can she help? Elgin’s going to have to find out what she wants.
  • Boyd’s face after learning about Fatima’s cravings was priceless. It takes a lot to leave Boyd speechless.

We’re heading into the home stretch of FROM Season 3, and it feels like we may be making some progress, but we’re also in the same place we were when the season began.

Or you may feel differently.

Let me know how you feel about the latest developments in the comments!

You can watch FROM on Sundays at 9/8c on MGM+.

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The post FROM Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Scar Tissue appeared first on TV Fanatic.

Source: TV Fanatic


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