HomeMusicGEOFF TATE On A QUEENSRŸCHE Reunion: “I Think It’s Pretty Unlikely. In Fact, There’s Not Really A Band Anymore.”GEOFF TATE On A QUEENSRŸCHE Reunion: “I Think It’s Pretty Unlikely. In Fact, There’s Not Really A Band Anymore.” November 25, 2024November 25, 2024WBN Still, he’s willing to talk about it.Source: Metal Injection
SHAVO ODADJIAN Explains The Freedom Of Nü-Metal & Why It’s Experiencing A Resurgence“That’s what the kids of today are attracted to and bonding with in that genre.”Source: Metal Injection
POWERWOLF Announces 2025 European Tour Dates & FestivalsIt’s pretty festival heavy.Source: Metal Injection
ICE-T Explains The One Thing He’d Change About Heavy Metal“Other than that, I wouldn’t change much.”Source: Metal Injection