Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 9 relied on an old joke.
There are thousands of funny stories that revolve around the idea of the husband saying he’s going out of town on business to cover up that he’s going fishing or doing something else his wife wouldn’t approve of.
“A Tire Convention And The Moral High Ground” took things a step further by making Audrey and Mandy aware that Georgie and Jim were not at a convention, but nothing much came of that.
Georgie didn’t like lying to Mandy about where he was going, but he only made a half-hearted effort to change course.
When she wasn’t home the first time he tried to tell her the truth, he gave up.
That’s a shame. It would have been hilarious for Georgie to feel his way through trying to tell Mandy the truth when she already knew it.
Instead, Georgie worried about the consequences of lying to his wife throughout Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 9 but didn’t do anything about it.
Similarly, Mandy spent most of the episode furious that Georgie was lying to her but didn’t say a word when he came home.
What exactly was the point of this story?
Unless they’re saving their wrath for another episode, the conflict simply evaporated when Georgie and Jim came home.
Mandy accepted the diamond earrings, along with Georgie’s obvious lie about how he was able to afford them, Jim made an excuse for why he didn’t get Audrey anything, and the credits rolled.
Talk about a let-down!
That final scene would have been the perfect opportunity for Mandy to tell Georgie she knows he didn’t get those earrings via a raise or for Georgie to tell her the truth.
The writers wouldn’t have had to sacrifice comedy to create this ending. Their awkward conversation would still have been funny.
The difference is that if the episode had ended this way, it would have had more heart.
That’s the thing I love best about Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage. On most episodes, it deftly blends serious issues and comedy.
Even the entire Cooper clan’s (minus Sheldon, who was MIA) grief over George’s death on Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 5 included funny moments, so there’s no excuse for leaving out the pivotal scene this time.
Or is the joke supposed to be that Mandy made a lot of noise about how much it sucked that Georgie was lying to her, only to decide in the end that her mother was right and she shouldn’t rock the boat?
If so, that’s not funny.
Georgie told Jim that lots of marriages end in divorce because of lies like these.
Jim poo-pooed that idea, insisting that keeping secrets is what kept him and Audrey together.
However, we know that Georgie and Mandy get divorced, at least temporarily. Not only is that part of Georgie’s backstory on The Big Bang Theory, but the title of this show confirms it.
So is Georgie’s comment about this darker than it seems? Could it be foreshadowing of what will eventually drive Georgie and Mandy apart?
That theory makes it more reasonable for the conflict to evaporate at the end of this episode.
Things that aren’t talked about fester, so this could come up again later, during a huge argument where Mandy explodes and rants about everything that’s bothered her since she and Georgie first met.
The more charitable explanation, of course, is that Mandy did realize her mother was right.
This game that Jim and Audrey play where he sneaks off to the casino and she pretends she believes he’s on a business trip works for their marriage.
Audrey doesn’t mind that Jim is sneaking off for some alone time. She sees going along with the lie as letting him have his fun.
The problem is, though, that Mandy and Audrey are very different people in a lot of respects. Mandy doesn’t see it as “harmless fun” that Georgie lied to her.
She feels this is a betrayal of trust even though Georgie wasn’t doing anything terrible (other than lying about where he was going).
This one, seemingly innocent lie could chip away at the foundation of their marriage, which wasn’t that strong to begin with.
The Connor/Cee Cee scenes were the best part of this silly story.
Baby Cee Cee is adorable, and I loved Connor’s made-up song for her.
It’s probably supposed to rival Sheldon’s “Soft Kitty” song, but Connor gave it his own twist.
I especially liked that Dougie Baldwin did a great imitation of Johnny Cash.
I was hard on Georgie and Mandy’s First Marriage during the first few episodes because they seemed to be using Connor only as the butt of jokes, but they’ve fixed that now.
He has a real part in every episode, and his storylines are often about how he is more capable than anyone thinks he is.
Connor did a great job with the baby, although the size of the snacks she was eating made me nervous. I kept thinking she was going to choke.
Audrey’s insistence on getting drunk with Mandy was strange, though. Isn’t she always complaining about Jim’s drinking?
Usually, she’s the sober one while he drinks like a fish.
Was she trying to do the drinking he would normally do because she missed him?
Over to you, Georgie & Mandy fanatics.
What did you think of Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 9?
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Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage airs on CBS on Thursdays at 8/7c and on Fridays on Paramount+.
Watch Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage Online
The post Georgie & Mandy’s First Marriage Season 1 Episode 9 Built Up A Big Conflict, Then Did Nothing With It appeared first on TV Fanatic.
Source: TV Fanatic
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