Housekeeping: Happy Indigenous People’s Day/Canadian Thanksgiving!

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. As an American employee of a Canadian company, I knew that.

What I didn’t realize is that here in the States, today is also Indigenous People’s Day/Columbus Day, and it’s also a company holiday.

So we’re off today, more or less.

That’s right, your humble managing editor got up for work like usual and logged on like usual only to find out it’s an off day. That said, we may have some fresh content for you. I ran our weekly Junkyard Find so that we can stay on schedule, and if news breaks, we’ll be on it, assuming we aren’t all too deep into spiked apple cider. Or just taking an autumn nap.

I kid, of course. Today is one of those weird holidays where some people are off and some are not — so to those of you who are in the office today while your kid isn’t in school and your buddy who works at a bank is playing golf, you have my condolences.

Oh, and more note — while we return tomorrow, at least two of us are also traveling on industry events, so the posting schedule may be weird. Perhaps a bit more West Coast-oriented in terms of timing.

Back at it with a vengeance on the ‘morrow.

[Image: NeelRong/]

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Source: The Truth About Cars