Silva’s gotten the short end of the stick throughout Law & Order: SVU Season 26, but she finally had her moment to shine.
This was one of those strange cases that started out with one crime and turned into something else altogether, but Silva’s determination to untangle an intellectually disabled man from the department’s net made it worth it.
Everyone on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 12 emphasized that Silva needed to get used to the ambiguous nature of SVU cases, but that wasn’t the point. Thankfully, she didn’t stop fighting.
Silva Proved Herself During An Extremely Complicated Case On Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 12
I wasn’t expecting the case we got.
The logline said that a kid caught with an inappropriate picture would lead to a child porn ring, but I was expecting something along the lines of teachers being involved in pimping out students.
Instead, we got this weird admissions counselor on Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 12 who pretended to be his clients online so that he could get them to send nude photos, which he then sold to random perverts online.
Liv wanted to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law, but instead, he cut a deal, gave Carisi a large number of people buying these photos, and then disappeared from the episode.
I’d have been annoyed if it weren’t for how good a vehicle this story was for Silva.

Liv’s determination to involve the Feds while Carisi wanted a massive local response would have made for a strong story. Plus, we never even discovered how much jail time Adam Parker got.
He felt like a plot point rather than a bona fide character. His entire purpose was to move the team into the sting operation and Silva’s dilemma.
Still, Silva’s part in this case was interesting, so it was worth it, even if it didn’t make sense that in the end, Benson told Leah that the bad guys had never shared her photo online.
The video game scheme made a lot more sense.
Some games are notorious breeding grounds for pedophiles because the games are popular with kids and allow people to interact anonymously.
That’s an important issue that should be addressed on shows like Law & Order: SVU, and I’m glad the series addressed it.

Silva Was Right About Matthew, But I Have Questions
Silva’s instincts were again spot on when she had a feeling that Matthew was not a pedophile but a kid who had somehow ended up in the cops’ crosshairs.
He was intellectually disabled enough that he didn’t understand what was going on when he was arrested or what he was accused of, and he didn’t even know what condoms were when Silva asked him to bring some.
Ironically, he was someone the cops should be protecting from perverts, not someone who deserved to be arrested.
Silva accidentally played the role of the bad guys she was trying to catch, tricking him into bringing condoms to her hotel room by pretending to be younger than she was.

Matthew’s mother, Fran, was understandably upset that her son had been arrested when he had never spent a night away from home and had no understanding of what was happening.
But if Matthew is that disabled, why wasn’t she monitoring what he was doing online?
It seems that if he were an intellectual age of ten, he would need the same safeguards as children.
At the very least, Fran should have set up Internet monitoring to make sure he wasn’t doing anything inappropriate or making plans to meet people in person who hadn’t been vetted for safety.

His name landed on the cops’ list because he supposedly had bought photos or made plans to meet and molest minors in the past, yet he didn’t know what condoms were or have any understanding of the crimes he was accused of.
That doesn’t add up.
In any case, it could have been prevented by his mother understanding that his disability meant he was as vulnerable online as a child would be yet would be seen as an adult in the eyes of the law.
Carisi’s Reason For Not Dropping The Case On Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 12 Made No Sense
Sorry, but I didn’t buy the excuse that dropping Matthew’s case would invalidate all other cases.

The argument that it was all entrapment only works if you accept the idea that there is no substantive difference between adults who eagerly bought condoms and showed up at a hotel room to have sex with a teenager and one who didn’t know what condoms were and came to the room hoping to show off his lizard t-shirt.
Plus, Carisi turned around and agreed with Liv in front of Baxter, so what was the point of his reluctance, other than that it gave Baxter a reason for a cameo?
Incidentally, the promo department for SVU needs to stop hyping things that take up 30 seconds of screen time.
Baxter’s appearance here wasn’t like Liv’s on Law & Order Season 24 Episode 2 — he barely had any screen time.
For goodness sake, his big decision wasn’t even on screen, pushing him squarely into the “cameo” category.

Leah’s Case Got Lost In The Shuffle
I enjoyed Leah’s interactions with her mom at the beginning of Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 12.
One reckless choice had serious consequences for her, and her mother was too angry about it to be empathetic — but Silva knew how to build rapport with her.
That was an interesting subplot that evaporated once the catfishing issue took center stage.
The middle of the episode seemed to forget about Leah but made up for it by having her see Liv one last time at the end.
Although Leah had far less screen time than she deserved, her absence forced Liv to confine her pep talk to one scene.

I love those inspiring speeches, but in recent seasons, they’ve become too much. It was refreshing for Liv to give a victim only one short piece of advice instead of getting overly involved in her life.
Over to you, Law & Order: SVU fanatics.
What did you think of Law & Order: SVU Season 26 Episode 12?
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Law & Order: SVU airs on NBC on Thursdays at 9/8c and streams on Peacock on Fridays
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