Macintosh Plus with hacks can get on the internet — kind of

A coder and Raspberry Pi user has revived a Macintosh Plus and got it showing modern websites like ChatGPT and Wikipedia. If you’re patient.

A 1986 Macintosh Plus updated and online. (Source: Hunter Irving)

Today you can 3D-print the chassis of a 1980s Macintosh Plus at home, and you can effectively make a brand new one with custom modern parts. But YouTuber Hunter Irving has taken an original Macintosh Plus and not only got it online to the internet, but had it browsing the even the website of OpenAI tool ChatGPT.

“To me, there’s something inherently comedic about a computer this old interacting with the modern day Internet,” wrote Irving. “It shouldn’t be possible, but, improbably, here it is, chugging along — happily browsing Reddit, facilitating chats with artificial intelligences, and even playing Shrek (at least, its best attempt at Shrek) on just 4MB of RAM.”

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