Matlock Season 1 Episode 3 Review: A Guy Named Greg

There’s a particular hold Kathy Bates has on audiences, no matter the role. Matlock is proving to be no different. The actress continues to deliver one memorable episode after another.

It’s wild to think this was only the third episode. Is it me, or does it feel like the series has been around for much longer? That has to be the power of Kathy Bates’ acting.

Even though we are only three episodes into Matlock, Bates’ presence elevates the series to “must-watch” status. It seems to be having an effect on her fellow cast members as well.

(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

I swear everyone on this show is acting their butts off. I don’t blame them either. Working with an icon and legend like Kathy Bates must be intimidating as hell.

Who Is Your Favorite Member Of Team “You Three” Other Than Matty?

Team “You Three” Are Proving To Be A Necessity For Matlock

Right off the bat, one of the funniest parts of this episode was watching Sarah (Leah Lewis) lose her mind over Olympia’s comment. I knew the second Olympia got Sarah worked up that she was messing with her.

And you know what? Olympia wasn’t wrong. Sarah was digging her grave and self-sabotaging herself to the person she most wanted to impress. The girl can’t see the forest for the trees.

To be fair, the writers couldn’t let Sarah have a full win. Can you imagine how unbearable she would have been? Sarah needs to gain some perspective before her day in the sun.

Billy (David Del Rio), on the other hand, deserves every day to be as beautiful as him. If there is a “Mary Sue” in Matlock, it’s Billy.

David Del Rio as “Billy Martinez”, and Leah Lewis as “Sarah Franklin”
(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

I loved how his sister and mother were incorporated into the story. Considering the mother and sister are cops, there’s a good chance they’ll pop up again occasionally.

The most interesting thing about Billy is that despite working hard to get an excellent job at an elite law firm, he doesn’t seem interested in climbing the corporate ladder.

He seems perfectly content doing a great job and does not have a cutthroat bone in his body. I have to ask any lawyer reading this: Do you think Billy will make it as a successful lawyer?

Maybe it’s just me, but it always seems like the lawyers who do the best are the ones who fight dirty. It could be just me, but then again, Olympia is far from having a gentle touch.

Between Olympia And Shae, Matlock Has Enough Boss Energy To Start Another Firm

Now, there is a character that shares as much of the spotlight as Matty. Especially if Olympia’s (Skye P. Marshall) life is about to get as complicated as it seems.

Skye P. Marshall as “Olympia Lawrence”
(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

She has this secret relationship with Elijah while she waits for her divorce to finalize. However, Olympia finally came to her senses in this episode and stepped on the brakes.

She may not realize it yet, but she’s doing herself more of a favor than she knows. There is a solid chance that Julian is falling back in love with her.

He has been nothing but sweet to her since Matlock Season 1 Episode 1. Then there is the matter of him paying Shae’s, no doubt, astronomical fee for consulting. That boy has it bad for her.

Let’s hope Olympia can trust Shae because the jury consultant immediately clocked Olympia and Elijah.

If you read the Matlock Season 1 Episode 3 Spoilers, you know I was hoping Shae would be the fun kind of nuts. I just about hit the nail right on the head.

Shae is a bucket of crazy with all the sides of a slightly unhinged person. The character has a fun Aubrey Plaza energy that is a very welcomed mix in atmosphere.

Yael Grobglas as “Shae”
(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

I mean, how funny was it watching Shae torment Madeline? The woman is about as subtle as a shotgun, staring Matty down whenever she enters a room.

As crazy as she probably is, she was utterly right about Olympia needing Matty to try the case.

Matlock Continues To Shed Light On Real-World Issues Through Heartfelt Moments Of Sincerity

The case in question was a change of pace. The case from Matlock Season 1 Episode 2 mirrored specific real-life events of injustice.

However, Matlock Season 1 Episode 3 tackled an entire issue and movement that has been in the works for centuries: the mistreatment of women.

The case was levity-filled at the beginning of the episode. This is partly due to the victim being introduced around scenes with light comedy tones.

Leah Lewis as “Sarah Franklin”
(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

As the episode progressed, the weight and reality of the case became not only all too real but the very theme of the entire episode.

The best part was how the writers weaved a tale that included multi-generational input on a topic that affects every woman, regardless of age.

One thing is for certain: we are going to remember Matty’s Oscar-worthy speech during the courtroom scene.

The Executives At CBS Must Already Be Thinking Of Ways To Keep Kathy Bates On Matlock Forever

Let me get this out of the way now, when Kathy Bates’ lip quivered during her closing comments, I BROKE. Believe me when I say I became a mess immediately.

There was so much vulnerability and sincerity in every word she spoke. I couldn’t pull my eyes away. Kathy Bates is a force of nature in an updo and a pantsuit.

Kathy Bates as “Madeline Matlock”
(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

This woman is just layer after layer of talent. I’m talking about Kathy and Matty. I knew the coffee spill in Olympia’s office was on purpose. However, I did not expect Matty to have a fake laptop.

I take back what I said in the Matlock Season 1 Episode 2 Spoilers. The grandson really and truly is all Madeline needs. Why is the kid even in school? Sign him up for a job at NASA or the CIA.

Interestingly enough, eagle-eyed viewers may have clocked one of the jurors in this episode if they watch High Potential.

Ck Bolado plays one of the jurors Olympia and her team are concerned about. The actor was just seen in High Potential Season 1 Episode 3 as a suspect.

I’ve always got my eyes on the lookout for any and every detail for all the TV Fanatics out there. Especially since no TV Fanatic is leaving this incredible series unwatched.

Kathy Bates may never retire if she keeps delivering one fantastic performance after another. The fans won’t allow it.

Marshall as “Olympia Lawrence”
(Sonja Flemming/CBS)

CBS executives must already be thinking of ways to keep Kathy on for many, many seasons. I support giving the woman whatever she wants.

Did Madeline Matlock pull another fast one on you, or did you see the laptop swap coming?

Do you think Matty will start to change her mind about her mission as she grows closer to her work team?

Please drop a comment below to let me know what you liked about this episode, and join me again when I review another episode of Matlock!

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Source: TV Fanatic