In the real world, tomorrow marks one of the most volatile presidential elections in history, leaving many feeling uneasy, no matter what side they’re on.
You have to wonder if the writers had this in mind when crafting NCIS Season 22 Episode 4 because it was a heart-pounding doozy.
There’s nothing like receiving a phone call in the middle of the night when you’re fast asleep — just ask Parker, who quickly learns it’s usually never good news.
This is probably the worst call he could ever receive, and it’s definitely not someone saying, “Guess who won the election?”
Nope, this phone call is far worse — Russia is gearing up to start World War III!
Let’s hope this isn’t one of those episodes that eerily foretells future events. But if it is, at least we can say that NCIS is keeping a level head amid the chaos.
On top of the looming threat of nuclear war, Air Force One has gone missing, and the chain of command is in disarray — like the V.P. having an emergency colonoscopy at 3 a.m. ?!
It’s all a little too convenient. But is it a coincidence?
Now, it’s up to the military and the Senate Majority Leader to decide the fate of the world — and they’re both “push the red button” happy.

Talk about a night(mare) to remember!
You can only hope that there are folks like the NCIS team around to hold it together and do whatever it takes to prevent something as horrific as this if it were to ever happen in the real world.
Parker is the most realistic person in the room. He isn’t afraid to challenge authority no matter what. And he makes it clear that he thinks the two bozos in charge are jumping the gun.
Why? They don’t have all the information yet, as there is a transmission from NCIS in Naples that has yet to be decoded, which will shed more light on what’s going on.
Because of his insubordination, they, of course, order McGee to arrest his boss, which he refuses.
It’s a pretty damn tense (and too realistic) situation that NCIS is able to contain, even with Vance MIA and Jimmy and Jess on a camping trip (like, seriously. Who cares?!).

Even Sweeny realized, after all the trouble he caused charging into the NCIS offices to arrest Parker and McGee, that if it weren’t for his worst enemy — aka Parker — we would all be dead.
I like that McGee stood with Parker on this because, being a Gibbs loyalist, he could have stayed within the lines.
Parker is so far outside the lines that it’s always a question of whether the rest of the “old guard” team will stand by him. I think that question has been answered.
We weren’t privy as to why Vance wasn’t around.
While his debunking of all the night’s coincidences seemed reasonable, it sounded more like information control than the actual truth. I don’t buy it.

Still, it was nice to see Parker recognized for saving the day.
And it was Parker and the rest of the NCIS team. Sweeney just happened to make the call to stop the U.S. from pushing that deadly red button.
Important? Sure. But let’s be real: if it weren’t for NCIS, he wouldn’t have thought twice about it.
And to prove how badass the new NCIS team is — what better way to save the day than cranking up some Quiet Riot to do it?
While Parker and the rest of the team were battling to save the world from a deadly fate, Jimmy and Jess were off on a camping trip, contemplating the fate of their relationship.
I don’t know if it was a joke, but apparently, Jimmy has been seeing other women — namely, some chick named Jennifer (I guess he wasn’t that heartbroken now, was he?).

I have to be honest. I find this whole Jimmy/Jess relationship drama annoying, especially in this episode, which was so incredibly serious.
I meant it when I said, “Who cares?” Because really, who cares?
I get that they have no idea what’s going on, but it’s dumb to put this relationship in the middle of an hour about a possible World War III.
It’s not funny, and it doesn’t add lightheartedness to the hour. And if I haven’t said it already — it’s just annoying.
And I’m going to say it right now. Jimmy doesn’t deserve Jess.

They are so completely opposite of each other that it’s not even funny.
There’s no chemistry between them. You can look, lean in, and imagine all you want, but it just doesn’t exist. I don’t care how long they were dating.
She’s too vibrant for him, and that tear she shed when Jimmy extinguished that rekindling flame for good? I think it was a tear of relief more than sadness.
I’m not saying they won’t be friends — they definitely will and are. But I’m relieved the romance is dead; it’s time to move on.
Besides, I know someone who would be a perfect match for Jess, but I’ll save that juicy tidbit for later.

But you’ve got to give Jimmy some credit for realizing he’s not really cut out for Jess and that she deserves someone better.
Clearly, he wasn’t that much in love with her if he’s already moved on to someone else. But good for him — now just go away.
So, over to you, TV Fanatics. Was this episode tense or what? Do you like Parker’s style? Are you glad McGee stuck with Parker? And what about Jimmy and Jess?
Hit the comments and share your thoughts!
Are you happy or sad that the Jimmy/Jess romance is finally over?
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Source: TV Fanatic