NCIS Season Season 22 Episode 14 Review: Put Me In, Coach! Jimmy and His Spicy Sangria Lure an Elusive Bank Robber for Capture

Jimmy doesn’t get out of the morgue very often, but during NCIS Season 22 Episode 14, he proved that his special set of skills could sometimes prove valuable.

Jimmy often comes off as a goofball who doesn’t warrant too much extra screen time, but “Close to Home” proved that wrong.

Add his teenage daughter Victoria into the mix, and you can almost imagine them starting their own father-daughter detective agency like Carson and Nancy Drew.

(Robert Voets/CBS )

It all began when Jimmy’s daughter, Victoria, found $35 grand behind a Navy library dumpster, and instead of telling her dad, she called Nick.

Of course, it made no sense why she was looking behind the dumpster in the first place. Hanging out near a dumpster isn’t on anybody’s to-do list for a library.

(Robert Voets/CBS)

It took a while, but she finally admitted to partying at an abandoned construction site when she claimed to have been doing a science fair project.

Meanwhile, Kasie discovered the money was connected to a bank heist 15 years ago. She was so excited to talk about the Saratoga Specter, a bank robber who never left a hint of evidence behind.

The bag of money, though, offered a wealth of information, including a fingerprint linking a guy named Carson Marconne to the robbery.

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  • NCIS Season Season 22 Episode 14 Review: Put Me In, Coach! Jimmy and His Spicy Sangria Lure an Elusive Bank Robber for Capture

When Jess and Nick paid Marconne a visit, they found his dead body inside his own closet, a bag over his head, smothering him to death.

Jimmy was pretty upset that Victoria left Jimmy out of the equation altogether, circumventing him and calling Uncle Nick instead.

But just when they thought they’d caught one of the most elusive bank robbers in recent history, Jess rained on NCIS’s parade: Carson Marconne was not the Specter. That could mean that Victoria wasn’t telling the whole truth about the money.

(Robert Voets/CBS)

That proved true when the Marconne connection led to another interesting dead end: surveillance cameras revealed that Victoria didn’t find the money at the library because she was never there — and they could prove that.

We have video of you NOT there.

— Jimmy

JImmy’s attempts to play bad cop to Jess’s good cop with Victoria were pretty funny, like when he noticed she was looking a little peaked, so he told her to Have some almonds, but don’t enjoy them.

You could tell they had a very close connection that had just begun falling apart recently, thanks to teenage angst and a dad who preferred to trust his daughter than not.

Jimmy took a gut punch when Victoria told him why she called Nick instead of him. In essence, she did it because Nick is a federal agent, and Jimmy is just the medical examiner. Ouch. He grinned at her answer like any good father would, but it still stung.

(Robert Voets/CBS)

The Palmer family’s connection to the Specter increased when Kasie suggested he could be living in the same neighborhood. Parker used the case to remind everyone how he had brought down Philly’s third-most prominent jewel thief, the Philly Phantom.

Parker: I caught the Philly Phantom off a hundred dollar tip he left at a bar.

Nick: Mmm. I bet you kill with that story at Crimecon.

Parker: I do indeed, Nick. The people love it.

We don’t often see criminals with cutsie monikers in the press anymore, but if anyone were going to get them, non-murdering heist types seem the most likely.

It’s just weird that entertainment is filled with them, while in real life, even DB Cooper didn’t get something cool like the Saratoga Specter or the Philly Phantom.

While visiting Jimmy’s neighborhood, Jess tried giving him a pep talk about Victoria’s “just the ME” comment, but he really wasn’t upset about it. He just wanted to be close to Victoria again.

(Robert Voets/CBS)

If he wanted to be close to his daughter, Briarwood security guard Rhonda was excited that Jimmy and Jess had gotten back together. The protestations by Jess and Jimmy made me wonder exactly what went wrong. I guess they were just not on the same page relationship-wise.

It’s too bad because Jimmy is less annoying when he’s more involved with other characters and cases. When one commenter suggested that the show could do without Jimmy and Kasie, I realized it’s because they don’t often get good story-driven plots.

Kasie’s turn at playing agent during NCIS Season 22 Episode 12 and Jimmy’s turn here prove how enjoyable they can be when they aren’t pushed too far to the sidelines.

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As the team continued investigating, Nick and Parker talked with a detective who was utterly enamored with Parker and called him a living legend for catching the Philly Phantom.

Nick didn’t necessarily enjoy the spotlight being turned on Parker, but it worked in our favor that the detective called Nick “kid” (and Nick asked him not to), Son, and Sport while he gushed about Parker.

It’s always fun to see Nick squirm uncomfortably to compensate for his “perfect specimen” performances, like on NCIS Season 22 Episode 13.

(Robert Voets/CBS )

Without even asking for permission that I could see, Jimmy put himself in the spotlight by inviting his neighborhood to the inaugural neighborhood happy hour featuring his spicy Sangria to collect evidence on the Briarwood suspects.

Despite putting on some groovy spy glasses, his role at the happy hour was still to be himself. Jimmy is a terrible liar, so being anything else would be a stretch. So, he maintained his “doctor with the good calves” persona, passed out drinks, and collected his evidence.

When Wendy (Erinn Hayes) bumped into him, I immediately thought she moved into the home in Briarwood two weeks ago because she would wind up being the Saratoga Specter. They got to know each other a bit, and some of the looks on her face made her seem sketchy.

The night ended with plenty of evidence for Kasie to play with. They needed to work fast before anyone caught on to Jimmy and before Jimmy and Victoria’s lives were out of sync for too long.

(Robert Voets/CBS)

Victoria did get a chance to talk with Jess about Jimmy’s parenting, though. He’s been a first-rate helicopter parent, popping his head in and asking if she wants grilled cheese all too often.

Like any sane adult, McGee found that kind of attention and caring amazing. But that likely only comes with age, when having someone care about your every move makes your heart swell with emotion.

None of the suspects they expected to be at the heart of the crime proved viable, but someone in the bunch was a match — a familial match — to Wendy. Of course, she had no idea what had been going on, but it made sense when she said her father confessed from hospice about the robbery.

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I got lost somewhere after that, just as the story swung us back around to the security agent from the neighborhood, Rhonda. She’s not the goofy professional she portrays to the public, after all.

But she was bad enough at being a criminal mastermind that she never put together that Jimmy could set her up through a seemingly innocent conversation with Victoria. As Parker put it, “Did you really think Jimmy would handle his daughter sneaking off to kiss a boy that well?”

Ultimately, the money was hidden in Wendy’s ducts, which is why Carson was visiting so often. Once he found some of it, he kept looking for more of it. Rhonda was spying on the neighborhood and when Carson found the cash, she confronted him, demanding to know where he found the money.

(Robert Voets/CBS )

But what didn’t make sense was why, if Carson made multiple trips to Wendy’s place to get the money, he’d decide to hide it in an abandoned construction site or how, if she was erasing records of his coming and goings at Briarwood to keep things to herself, Rhonda never followed him.

I guess that would have made solving the case too easy and prevented us from learning more about Jimmy’s relationship with Victoria.

Sometimes, NCIS solves cases far too fast to make good sense of them. I’d say that’s my biggest complaint about the show. After a whole investigation, don’t wrap it up without ensuring it makes sense to viewers.

We should be able to follow the logic from every step.

And that’s all I’ve got! What did you think about NCIS Season 22 Episode 14? Drop me a line in the comments below!

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Source: TV Fanatic