The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 Spoilers: Is Going After Serial Killers Alec’s New Normal?

The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 spoilers suggest Alec’s new normal involves extremely violent criminals.

Now that Rose’s back home, he’s teaching and consulting with the FBI as needed, and this time they desperately need him.

A serial killer is terrorizing the suburbs, and the needless deaths are piling up, but the FBI doesn’t know who they’re looking for.

(NBC/James Dittiger)

The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 Spoilers Suggest The Crimes Will Be More High-Stakes This Season

This serial killer case comes on the heels of Alec sacrificing his freedom to stop an unhinged kidnapper who planned to kill Rose to even the score after MI6 killed his wife during a raid.

Now, he’s being called on to stop a serial killer.

It’s been a long time since The Irrational Season 1, but I don’t remember the crimes being this high-stakes before.

This might be what Travina Springer (Kylie) meant by the show “going bigger” this season. If so, I’m here for it!

Hopefully, it won’t get as graphic and disturbing as Criminal Minds, which I had trouble watching sometimes because of how dark it got. However, The Irrational works best as a darker mystery series rather than a cozy.

At its core, it’s about a trauma survivor using his unique skills and insights into the human condition to help stop those who are inflicting trauma on others.

Alec sitting behind a desk wearing a hat on The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2
(NBC/James Dittiger)

The worse the crime, the easier it is for it to make important points about trauma that aren’t being made anywhere else, not even on Law & Order: SVU — though it would be awesome for Alec and SVU’s Olivia Benson to work together on a case.

The Irrational has never been as overt about being about survivors as SVU, but Alec’s trauma is a driving force in his life, even now that he’s finally gotten closure on the bombing that nearly killed him.

He doesn’t give pep talks and encouragement to survivors the way Benson does on SVU, but he finds answers, rescues people from traumatic situations, and demonstrates that life is possible after a traumatic event by the way he lives his.

That’s why it’s good that the cases he works on involve the most violent and dangerous criminals.

Phoebe behind a desk looking at something on a computer on The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2
(NBC/James Dittiger)

The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 Spoilers Promise That People Will Keep Dying Until Alec Cracks The Case

It doesn’t get more high-stakes than a serial killer, especially one that strikes quickly.

According to The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 spoilers, the body count will continue to grow during the episode.

A terrified public usually means pressure to close cases.

That’s probably why Alec is brought in, and the longer he takes to solve this case, the worse the pressure will become to get it done.

Marisa leaning forward to make a point while she and Alec are at a meeting with someone on The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2
(NBC/James Dittiger)

If this were a standard police procedural, we might get a story about the cops arresting the wrong person just so they can say the case is over.

The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 spoilers don’t say anything about that, but if someone is wrongly arrested, that will raise the stakes even more.

Alec will not let an innocent person go to jail if he can help it and will do everything in his power to find the right killer.

Alec’s Job Is To Get Inside The Criminal’s Head

Alec’s job is similar to the BAU profilers’ on Criminal Minds. He needs to understand what is motivating the killer so he can predict when and where the next attempted murder will be.

Marisa and Alec sitting together at a meeting with someone on The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2
(NBC/James Dittiger)

If someone is arrested, he will also be helpful in determining how best to interrogate them or whether the suspect fits the profile enough to be viable.

That’s the fun of this show. I can’t wait to find out how Alec will do this and, most importantly, how it connects to the lesson he’s teaching his students.

I’m intrigued by that lesson, as a spoiler photo shows his students gathered around while Alec does a demonstration involving large playing cards.

I’m not sure what plot twist this will relate to or what point he’s making with this demonstration, but it will undoubtedly be something fascinating related to attentional blindness or other neuroscientific phenomena.

Phoebe talking to a frazzled-looking woman in an office on The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2
(NBC/James Dittiger)

Will Phoebe Return Full-Time To Alec’s Team?

The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 spoilers don’t say much about Phoebe, but she needs to return to her previous position as Alec’s intern sooner or later.

She can’t keep skipping work with another professor to help Alec, and it’s clear that his team is where she wants to be despite what she said about being around him being bad for her mental health.

Not only was she upset that she wasn’t looped in on the Rose case, but there has been no indication yet of what her new job or new boss is like. That might be coming on Episode 2.

Spoiler photos have Phoebe talking to a woman, presumably her boss, who looks frazzled and annoyed. Thus, the new job might not offer Phoebe the stability and relief from anxiety that she was hoping for.

Phoebe seems to secretly like the risks that Alec takes in pursuit of the truth, so once she comes to terms with that, she’ll be back.

If she’s miserable working for another professor, that’ll help speed things along.

Kylie sitting in a chair looking annoyed with an American flag behind her on The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2
(NBC/James Dittiger)

A photo suggests that Kylie might get in trouble in her new role at the FBI.

Springer told us that Kylie would have to deal with her mixed feelings toward law enforcement and the need to follow her boss’ directions throughout the season.

Her annoyed but defiant stance in the spoiler photo suggests that story could begin now.

In a high-stakes situation where bodies keep piling up, it’s important everyone is on the same page so the FBI can catch the killer, but Kylie will undoubtedly have her reasons for whatever disagreement she has.

Tall photo of Marisa wearing black jacket
(NBC/James Dittiger)

Kylie’s annoyance could lead to a social justice storyline about the way law enforcement treats suspects unequally because of racial bias, which would be a strong complement to the main story of Alec trying to help find the killer.

I’m looking forward to that.

The Irrational is one of the few shows on TV where the majority of the cast is Black, and I prefer stories like this when they are written and acted by people who the issue affects in real life.

Over to you, The Irrational fanatics.

Which The Irrational Season 2 Episode 2 spoilers are you most looking forward to?

Hit the comments with your thoughts.

The Irrational airs on NBC on Tuesdays at 10/9c and on Peacock on Wednesdays.

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