While Waiting review

While Waiting is a game that belongs in a gallery. It’s installation art, and maybe you know the kind. It’s a lark, but a difficult, complex, ponderous lark, if such a thing is possible. It’s WarioWare designed by Beckett. It’s Super Bartleby Bros. It’s a game about waiting, a state of being that so many games are designed to try and minimise or avoid entirely (or sell you ways to jump past, granted). And yet just as waiting pops up in games even when designers are trying to avoid it, waiting can disappear utterly when you try to focus in on it and it alone. While Waiting. So it’s about the things you do as waiting is taking place. But does that mean you’ve ceased to wait, or that you’re still waiting and you’re doing this other stuff too?

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Source: Eurogamer.net