Will Trent has excelled in combining fast-paced action and suspense in its two-part season premieres.
In Will Trent Season 3 Episode 2, the GBI and Marion Alba raced against the clock to rescue Sunny.
They were horrified to learn who was behind her kidnapping and Chester’s murder.
But while the GBI worked tirelessly to save Sunny, Angie worked to redeem herself and return to the police force.
Let’s dive in and discuss our favorite agents.
Faith and Amanda Create a Winning Plan to Locate Sunny

“Sunny Side Up” maintained the high-stakes action as the first part of the season premiere. Faith and Will were horrified that someone would shoot Sunny’s caretaker and take a child in broad daylight.
Thanks to Sunny, they had a trail of breadcrumbs to find her, beginning with the video she was shooting, which showed Lincoln Spelling in the mirror.
The next clue they found was Sunny’s game charger, but Sunny still had the game. It was so obvious Faith raised a teenager since she wanted Rafael to communicate with his daughter through the game and get a message to her.
The poor teen doesn’t know how to describe anything because she’s terrified of getting caught, but when she mentioned bars on the windows, it hit a nerve with Amanda.
While Amanda suspected law enforcement was involved, she was positive when Sunny found a hidden phone used only in safe houses.
Amanda was so calm and soothing as she reassured Sunny they would help her. It was a side we rarely see, but Amanda never wants children in danger. She also respects fierce females.
Det. Ormewood Finds the Link to the Stolen Cars

While the GBI worked on the kidnapping, Det. Ormewood tried to link the stolen cars and Chester’s murder with it.
He worked so efficiently with the team that I’ll miss the camaraderie. He knew how to get the DMV lady to talk. Michael was enough of a jerk himself to warn her that everyone involved with the stolen IDs was being murdered.
He didn’t mess around, and she folded like a bad hand of cards, telling him she usually met a guy named Mac in the park.
Naturally, Mac wasn’t the ringleader or the fish they wanted to fry, so they needed to reel him in to catch the leader.
Faith took great pleasure in arresting the creep before they questioned him.
The Culprits Were Predictable, but Made Will Fight Harder

I suspected Mayor Anthony and Captain Cromwell were involved since they were overly eager to close the case and frame Rafael Wexford.
The mayor practically threatened Marion Alba when she reopened the case while Captain Cromwell played “good cop,” offering his assistance.
Amanda suspected dirty law enforcement as soon as someone had the guts to murder Lincoln Spelling, but she also watched who voiced these suspicions.
These were only theories until Marion and Will questioned Mac, the suspect who bought the forged IDs. Mac was defiant like many other suspects, while Marian insisted his prints were on the gun.
Marian and Will excelled at their game. They played it Marion’s way by reading the scene and acting nonchalantly, talking about Betty while dropping hints about Lincoln’s murder and prison.
It was enough to scare Mac to reveal the leader was a white guy with a shaved head. Will realized simultaneously, as Amanda did, that Captain Cromwell was in charge.

He’s so violent. What did he have against spirited females? Sunny was the episode’s MVP. She could have frozen in fear but listened, found that trunk release tumbled out, and ran to that nearby mall.
The mall chase was the most exciting scene. It’s a crime procedural, so we assumed the good guys would win, but it was still hard to watch Captain Cromwell attack Sunny and Faith.
That’s when Will Trent returned. He wouldn’t let anyone harm his partner, but then he almost died, and Faith returned the favor.
Those two have lots of work ahead of them, but they finally talked. Faith was more hurt that Will never confided in her. In time, they’ll be close again.
At least Will knows where he belongs and wouldn’t let anyone stop him, not even the mayor.
Where’s the proof, Trent? Or do you expect people to believe a disgraced GBI Agent who abandoned his partner and turned in his girlfriend?
— Mayor Armstrong
While Det. Ormewood had hoped Captain Crowell would get the death penalty; someone murdered him before that happened. It’s difficult to feel bad that he died, even if Rafael and his gang were behind it. Crowell tortured his daughter.
Angie Pleads Her Case to Return to the Force

Angie has struggled because she needed to seem remorseful to the disciplinary board, and part of her still believed she did the right thing.
Watching her select parts of her apology from the Internet was amusing. She wanted to remember Crystal, but she needed her job back. Angie doesn’t function well with idle time.
She’s already starting to doubt her instincts and place in life. Angie Polaski is a survivor.
Ideally, we should have seen her claw her way from her arrest and sentencing, but I appreciate her working hard to earn her way back on the force.
While I miss her interacting with the others, this shouldn’t be easy. Erika Christensen has the acting chops to give emotionally layered performances, so I’m looking forward to what’s coming up.
Who’s the Best Guardian for Sunny?

Poor Sunny. Her guardian was murdered, and her dad returned to lead the Piedmont Kings. She had no stability, which was rough for a young girl.
I think Sunny would have thrived better with Faith or Will. Faith was a troubled teen girl herself, and Will related to being in the system.
While initially Amanda and Sunny hit it off and were both fierce females, Amanda seemed particular about routines. She tried to lighten up once Sunny arrived, but Sunny looked uncomfortable.
Hopefully, they’ll mesh better once they get used to each other. Amanda has a massive heart and obviously wanted to help.
She’s always longed to be a mother, which would allow her to foster a child. Hopefully, we’ll see some of their interactions as they grow closer.

We loved the ending and that Will found his mojo again, back where he belongs. That ending was ambiguous, leaving it so Rafael Wexford could return to visit his daughter and mess with Will’s head some more.
His new relationship with Rafael was similar to his old one with Paul Campano from Will Trent Season 1. They both had brotherly and frenemy vibes, where they’d hit below the belt but would come through for each other.
We’ve missed that.
Over to you, Will Trent Fanatics. What did you think of Will and Rafael’s friendship? Do you think Angie will rejoin the force?
Let us know in the comments below.
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Source: TV Fanatic